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Childern's prattle孩子们的闲聊
作者:佚名 来源:本站原创 点击数: 发布时间:2016-7-4

1.One day, some childern got together and were talking to each other. They all lived in wealthy families.一天,一些孩子在闲聊。他们都生活在富裕家庭。

2.One girl spoke confidently, "My father is very rich. My parents studied a lot."一个女孩自信地说:“我父亲非常富有。我的父母知道很多。”

3.One boy was listening to the girl and said, "If your name ends with '-sen', you will be miserable. Well, I feel lucky I have no '-sen' at the end of my name."一个男孩听了女孩的话,接着说:“如果你的名字是以‘-sen’结尾的话,你就会很不幸的。我很幸运,我的名字不是以‘-sen’结尾。”


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